Thursday, June 5, 2008


Some years ago, I was a camera addict. I took hips of photos, until they became a burden to my monthly allowance. I still take photos today, but only occasionally. There was this one particular photo I took of a tree, one towering tree above many others, in our garden at Epping then, now Marsfield. The tree stood there alone elegantly for us and visitors to see. Months after I snapped the photo and showed it to others, I got a letter from one of my co-SVDs. He wrote: “Dom, please send me a copy of the photo (of the tree). I like it because it reminds me of myself. I oftentimes feel lonely like the tree!” “Hmmm…” I mused to myself – two different perceptions of one and the same tree.

(The photo is a look-alike taken from the internet. I no longer have the original photo and the tree is gone - mission accomplished).

I took the photo of the tree, because it struck me. For me, it stood for bravery by standing there, always holding its ground through changing climes. The tree stood for beauty, exuding the colors of the seasons for the admiration of passers-by. It was a symbol of faithfulness, because it was ever steadfast like a sentinel on duty. It was committed to simplicity, i.e. in focus and centered in what it was meant to be. And finally, it stood alone like me, yes, but not lonely!

“The tree of life also (was) in the midst of the garden” (Gen. 2:9).