Saturday, October 4, 2008


4th October - When I was in American Samoa twelve years ago, we organised a Bible study group. (See map courtesy of Because we were seven, we coined our name after the movie: THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN.
We wanted to make the word of God a part of our lives and to share it to others. As we met weekly to study the Bible our group began to jell together.
But then in 1996, I was assigned to Australia, so I left the group on their own. They continued for sometime, but eventually they, too, dispersed.
A few days ago (2nd Oct) one of the original members, Ely Barja, updated me of the whereabouts of each one. He said that one went on accountancy job and eventually became a consultant; another opened a travel agency; the third resides now in Kansas (Missouri, USA) and joined an interfaith Bible group, explaining and defending the Catholic faith when misunderstood; the fourth was ordained a permanent deacon two years ago in the diocese of Pago Pago; the fifth became a priest in the same diocese; the sixth went to Down Under and now has just become an Aussie citizen (that’s me); and the seventh (Ely himself) has recently migrated to Chicago (USA). Still “feeling the waters” in America, he is searching for a Bible group to affiliate himself.
So folks that is what happened to the magnificent seven in the centre of the Pacific long, long time ago!
"And (the word of God) fell on good ground and grew, producing fruit a hundred times as much." (Lk. 8:8)